[Vwdiesel] Blockheaters. ---- ( 1984 1.6L Turbo Rabbit. ) -- correction.

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Mar 15 16:14:44 EST 2004

After reading my own thread one could think I bought an
inverter ,  no no   --- it was a heater to replace the one that
burned out.

And the concentration of glycol may indeed be too high.

Over many years I could not resist the temptation to experiment
so I tried  100% glycol  and pure water. As Loren say there are problems both
ways. So I am the 50% kid from now on.

One thing makes me unhappy about the   TEMRO  LR  1843. Made in Canada.
it is soldered with "soft" solder . I expected silver solder at least.

Thanks a bunch guys ones more.


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