[Vwdiesel] ITS ALIVE!! (& leaky injectors)

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Mar 29 00:33:07 EST 2004

tape is right out.
Have  a look at the end, if you see a big groove cut into the rounded end,
it was overtightened... replacement is really the only option. Try
tightening them a tad more firmly, but leakers are usually leakers.

Be sure it is the injector line, not the return line. Return line should be
new, if not, it loves to leak.
Only fiddle around running engine's injector lines with a piece of stiff
paper when looking for leaks, do not use your fingers, ever ever ever. The
pressure there, if a pinhole, can inject diesel fuel, causing lotsa problems
(emboli, etc). Fingers do not grow back. careful.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of cass
> Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:42 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] ITS ALIVE!! (& leaky injectors)
> hey..
> wanted to thank everyone for all the help and support thus far.
> this is very much THE most extensive re-build ive ever done //
> so..today..after a few cranks ..it fired right up..ran rough till
> i bled her
> but she ran and eventually i  drove it a lil up n down the driveway!!
> re torque went well..better then i thought it might.
> its  a little gutless right yet ..slow to respond)..but thats
> soon to be seen to ;o)
> and its idle is a little off kilter..but..
>  will leave it till injectors are sorted out..
> which leads me to a  question..a couple of my new injectors are
> leaking like crazy
> from where the hard fuel line connects to them .
> snugged them up good..no change..fuel literally running out.
> i have another set of lines i will try..is Teflon tape a bad no no? :oD
> thinking that the new injectors and old lines just didn't come
> together well?
> IT RUNS.. :o)
> yaaahhh
> clattery clattery..cassie
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