[Vwdiesel] Outer CV Joint Binding

Gavrik Peterson gavrik at cablespeed.com
Sat May 15 16:50:32 EDT 2004

>It's the joint.

It is certainly true that if the joint had the same dimensions as the
original there would be no problem.

>There are three different outer joints, The Fox, the early VW and the 
>late VW.

Ok.  What model years are 'early vw' and which are 'late vw'?  By
'late vw' do you mean the golf style vehicles introduced in 85'?  What
I have is a 83' Rabbit.

The distributor that supplied the cv joint said that the Lobro joint
that they sold for the 80'-84' Rabbits has been superseded by a newer
part that was made for 85' and later vehicles.  They claim that the
new joint works for 80'-84'.

>If the Fox and the late hit the knucle, use the early joint.

What knuckle are you referring to?

My problem is that the installed joint is contacting the lug on the
circlip that retains the wheel bearing.  What is not known at this
point is if someone has replaced the bearing housing with something
different.  I will get under there today and try to figure this out.

Thanks for the help.

  --  Gavrik Peterson

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