[Vwdiesel] dead TDI progress

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Thu May 27 11:57:11 EDT 2004

Well, I visited the shop today.  Ended up talking to a couple of mechanics before the owner showed up.  I gave them the symptoms and they said, "Sounds like it jumped time to me," before the one that did the work sort of vanished into the back.  Didn't want to stand around and chat after that.   The owner was very non-committal.  Didn't want to conceed anything, which I guess I can understand.  Told me that they could get it towed over and take a look at it.  Couldn't imagine how their mechanic could have done anything wrong with it as he's changed lots of belts without any problems.  I've done mechanical work too, though, and there's no such thing as a perfect mechanic.  And I can't think of but two reasons why the engine could jump time:  loose belt, loose tensioner bolt.  
I will get it towed over there, but I'm trying to figure out whether or not to get it towed to a dealer for a third-party opinion first.  Spoke to them just now and they said they could do it, but weren't real sure it would help me in my quest to get this shop to fix the car.  Said that 7 months was a long time for a belt to not slip if it was too loose.  And, it'll cost ~$160 with towing.  
Anyhow, that's where it's at. 

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