[Vwdiesel] Electroyisis and heater core/radiator-update

cvaf4u at rhinocat.com cvaf4u at rhinocat.com
Tue Nov 2 00:44:03 EST 2004

I replaced my heater core which was plugged big time.  When I get the 
chance I'll cut the old one open and take some pics.  Since I've had 
the car, I've flushed and put clean anti freeze in.  The latest anti 
freeze is only 6 months old.

As stated originally the voltage I measured was -.360.  After the new 
core was installed, it measures 0 (zero).  I drove it around for a 
while and measured it again (wondered if original value was due to 
static electricity).  It's still zero.

Moral of the story?  If there's a voltage, something's wrong?

I talked to a diesel mechanic today, he said he heard of the test and 
that it usually means that the radiator and core is grounded (which it 
shouldn't be) or the electric fan is on it's way out.

Verrrry interesting.


85 VW Golf 1.6 NA

>> From: <cvaf4u at rhinocat.com>
>> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
>> Cc: <audi-vw-diesels at yahoogroups.com>
>> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:54 PM
>> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Electroyisis and heater core/radiator
>> I'm about to embark on changing out my heater core.  The
>> instructions
>> state to check with a digital voltmeter with the ground lead to
>> the
>> neg of the battery and the positive lead to the radiator core.  If
>> it's greater than .300 volts, the aluminum heater core will fail.
>> Well I measure mine and it's -.360 (it's negative).  I know
>> there's
>> a
>> couple of experts on the list.  To me, if the voltage is negative
>> it
>> should be ok by the directions, but to me, there's got to be an
>> electrolysis issue going on if there's any reading, positive or
>> negative.  Is my logic faulty?
>> Bud
>> 85 VW Golf 1.6 NA
>> http://www.rhinocat.com/cvaf4u
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