[Vwdiesel] Block/Engine heaters?

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 16:10:57 EST 2004

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>   Geez, I wish i'd have had you there to do all the
> ones I did at the 
> dealer!  ;-)  Nary a ONE spun out that way!  I

I've had some pop right out, and others were
impossible. I must have some decent luck, cause
probably somewhere over half of them come out easy for

> finally got tired of 
> driving a screwdriver or chisel through the freeze
> plug in order to 
> pry it out.  I grabbed the air chisel!  :-)  Short,
> careful bursts and 
> I'd have one done in about 20 minutes instead of a
> bit over an hour.

now I LIKE that idea!! :)

> Does great for the flat rate!  :-)  Shop manager had
> a fit though, 
> I'd "punch a hole through the block!"
>   I've seen too many vehicles boiled low on coolant
> from inline heaters 
> to be comfortable with them. 

The ones that I've seen in actual use had good
electric pumps built in and were plumbed right so
there was always good flow going thru them. Never saw
one get hot enough to boil anything. But mainly I've
seen the block heater type.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be super wary of any in
the future! (And as far as the glue on type - forgot
to mention last time, but I would be HIGHLY suspect of
anything like that.)


As big a pain as a
> block heater can be 
> to install, I'd still go with that hands down.
>      Loren
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