[Vwdiesel] More on radiator as a battery (weekend science thread)

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 22:30:00 EST 2004

>   That's what the op-amp idea is about, sort of.  If
> you hold it at zero 
> then there's no loss to either side.  Raise it and
> in theory you could 
> reverse the deposits.  No dictating where they would
> go though so 
> you'd only replace the ions in whole, not in detail,
> so a weakend 
> radiator would still be just as weak.

Actually, I think you might be able to dictate where
they went to some extent. If you want them on the
radiator or heater core, that is, and assuming that
those two parts (or whichever you were targeting) was
electrically isolated from the rest of the car. Then
hook up your wires so that one of those was the part
of the 'battery' that got the ions deposited on it.
(Don't remember if it's anode or cathode. Or even
which one of those is + or - and don't feel like
looking it up right now. Doesn't matter for my point,

The ions HAVE to be deposited on the appropriate place
for current to flow, right? So if the part really is
electrically isolated and the only two connections are
through the coolant one way and the wire to the op amp
the other then I don't see how it could fail...

But I'm not an electrical expert by any means. I don't
even really understand how to use one of those op
amps, just following in the thread of the


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