[Vwdiesel] Sandy's connundrum

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Nov 6 11:25:49 EST 2004

Mark Shepherd take no offence please !  ---   off the MARK ?   a pun   a feeble attempt
to be funny.

Lets face it you have no fear of writing it as you think ?   Your threads about
the space ship was a great help to me ---when I finally got one.     I had to go a
way back in archives to find it . But Loren and you  got me really trucking   with
Bunny Bondo.
I see very little in my Bentley about the LDA ----   in the end I got it nailed right down.

Sandy Cameron  underlines  the reason for putting a feeler test on  # 1. Piston.   in the
Hillbilly TUNING procedures.    The mark can be wrong . 

Personally I never seen one that was wrong.       

I am still playing with the GALVANIC radiator    and  investigating GLAZING of
cylinder walls.    ---  even to define  glazing is difficult.
Polished and Shiny and Glazed ?   not all the same. And to seat rings on a diesel
is difficult   partly because fuel is such a good upper cylinder lubricant.

This is the way I do it   :    Run her LEAN  and use Mineralube only.   At least
for the break in.  NO I do not use diesel rated Oil.   ----NO need. (not to be found)
Let your turbo cool down a bit longer ---that's all.     There are diesels running on
nothing but Mineralube  NO additives of any kind   Dino oil   and very expensive
diesels at that.   I sure would like to know the cetane number for BUNKER C oil.

If ALL of America started driving Rabbits tomorrow ?   would it make a difference ?
Bunny Bondo  78 miles on a gallon Imp   and still does way more than 100 kmt
on the flat.  Yes it would be a Quantum leap ( eh Mark ? ). Give me a brand new
Rabbit 1984 1.6L Turbo  and I shall show you mileage --that Scrooge would like.

I would like to see Sandy Camerons facial expression when he drives by that
filling station on Wendy Juice.    ---   Canola is coming to town sooner than some
people think.    Mark Shepherd said that Canola was allready cheaper in some
part of UK ?  eh Mark ?.    Rabbits just love that Canola. I used it right out of the
fridge 50% .


PS : Yes I like the term SMILAGE.   will I get rid of my UV's ?    NO.

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