[Vwdiesel] Nozzle talk for beginners-----( the hagar snozzle )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Nov 16 09:40:12 EST 2004

Here it is as I promised   -------- the lenght of the spring way to identify

Injectors.    That is one of the hardest things to do for a beginner.  In this forum

we tried to do it by numbers on the barrels ------  did not work  for OLD  Rabbits.

The PO factor is getting you.        ALL the injectors that I tested could be ajusted
for all engines.

SHORT   SPRING     less than 1 inch    ---I call old style 1.5L NA.

LONG SPRING     more than 1 inch  by about a quarter ------- I call new style  1.6 L NA

The   PITA part for beginners are the shims.    I got most of mine from dumpsterdiving
and old rusted injectors.

as luck has it the Rabbits were loaded with thin wave washers that will work.

And yes Andrew and  stacking many shims is normal practice.     

For us perfectionists    the thin shims are premium. Shims are expensive.

Any HARD steel washer will do.


PS :   This having no spellchecker --is downright good for my education.

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