[Vwdiesel] Parts Cleaning ----( the solvent solution )
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Oct 3 13:48:00 EDT 2004
I am glad Val Christian put this cleaning issue on the agenda.
When we get an OLD VW diesel --- real cheap ? --what is the first problem ?
you guessed it ---"D" in diesel stands for DIRT. --Black filthy dirt and it spreads
like peanut butter ---real easy. ----My washing machine has "Ring around the collar".
Now I know Val Christian -- and I know that he has cleaned parts like the best of us.
This way or crossways -- Loren , Val,Doyt,James,Sandy and Hagar ---between them has cleaned
more parts than ----- ? --I am lost for words.
But in the SOLVENT category ? who but Mark would come up with OLIVE oil ?
The fact is that those organic solvents turn out to be the best. Like ORANGE solvent ?
look up history of solvents and one is way ahead --- ESSO Varsol. in that group I
think that Stoddard is in there too.
I am 72 and my first memory of "Cleaning" ? yup brown soap ---it was like grease and
my mother used it all the time.
Then the WAR # 2. and 40 % handsoap ? bar soap ? ---try to get foam with that ?.(Shit)
On to Carbon Tet ----great cleaner no fire hazard and it evaporated like stink.
So why do I vote for Orange and the like ? bio degradable and no fumes --- Orange peel
solvent are front line up here now. My corporate donor kindly let me try it out ---by the
For your hands and sink ? try Fast Orange.
Will Electra sol and an old Pot Scrubber dishwasher do a good job ? you bet your ass.
As you all know I am for the "small guy" so if you flush it down the toilet use orange solvent
the small alligators down there can handle that ---NOT petroleum products.
In my "Prime" I would get a 45 gallon barrel of Varsol ---take toe top off and dip engine blocks in there. 50 dollar crude ? --forget about petroleum solvents for cleaning. ---one exception--
Gasoline is still number one in a pinch.
Of all the systems for solvent cleaning that I have heard of --nothing compares
to the evaporator condensing on the part system. A sealed cabinet with heaters
evaporating the solvent --the solvent taking the grease to the bottom.
Do I have a still for Varsol ? yup had it since 1967 ---made from a pressure cooker
electric.-------be careful Varsol is chlorinated hydrocarbon.
And someone mentioned M.E.K. ? I seem to remember that in aircraft Hangars.
There are few solvents that I did not bump in to somewhere --in my travels. And
ALL the GOOD ones are nasty ---NASTY ---read my lips.-----killers pure and simple.
Turco --Sol ? non toxic ? be careful. ---Does it work ? sure does.
And Jeff Rakus --grab that Rabbit before it is a gone.
Rabbits are going to be very high in demand in America and the UK ---pretty soon.
Sheet metal parts are available from Denmark ---to completely fix a rusted Rabbit.
Nothing runs like a DEERE ? bullshit my Rabbit does. ---Just love that Bunny Bondo
girl ----Repaving was done up here and those Laser guided Pavers ----man they sure make
that pavement SMOOTH. (Laser ? a guess).
Those orange and the like solvents ? what is so special ? they are water soluble. --
that is What.
Is a Rabbit worth fixing ? in my judgement ? if not now --it will be pretty soon.
PS : and if you yell at me keep your language CLEAN. ----Cleanliness IS next
to godliness.
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