[Vwdiesel] EJ's Bounce

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Oct 9 12:23:49 EDT 2004

This thread is a perfect example of how important this site is to lots of us.

Never would I have filled that tranny with volume  2.0 L   I would have used the level plug.

And gone on to ruin the tranny.

Question  :   how was this problem found in the first place ?   Did someone loose
a gear 5 ?  Or was it a service note from VW ?.

I have to admit that I just started reading Bentley ---   Manual Tranny section. So
maybe it is in there ?.

As to the Bounce ?      you probably have a handful of the Big nuts for the shaft.

Tighten to spec and then double nut ----  worked for me.     Then you know for sure
that nut did not come loose.   My 1980 Rabbit did   Left front wheel.

It can be a nasty problem.   ------  then in the end it turned out to be a simple
thing like overlooking tranny alignment.    I used a com-along to shift tranny on
one Rabbit and it worked.  It had bad motormounts.   Bracket is slotted.

I have little specific(VW) Bounce knowledge ---but have I had Bouncing Betty's in my life ?
Hell I almost lost control on some of them.The worst was a  front wheel on a Landrover.
750 X 16  8 ply Nylon bounce.     ---

On a 1984 1,6 L  Turbo Rabbit   tranny  7 A.    Drive left front wheel up on a brick .Then
pour in 2 .0 L   through Level hole. I just did that.----- it works. NO need to fiddle with
speedo cable.


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