[Vwdiesel] Re-Ringing a Rabbit for beginners. -- ( good advice.)

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Oct 12 18:01:31 EDT 2004

 and hold my mouth 
just right to get it to work on with my finger tips. It is a new Conti belt?

Bart Wineland   ----  you are getting there ------bodyenglish --tongue just right ---a prayer
won't hurt   ----- use your magic WAND ---- and bingo she slips right on.

Sorry to hear you got caught in the missing keyway trap.    -Could have happened
to me too --had I read the Bentley.      I will never get (last word) caught in that
trap thanks to  Val Christian and Mark Shepherd.

When Val Christian pointed out that a slip was possible ---I immediately went
down and put a torque wrench on all mine.  Took it up to 45 foot pounds ---NOTHING
moved.  I slept tight at night -----  until your valve bashing.    Now all we
got a do is get Shalyn going and I can sleep again.

ALL  beginners I hope you twigged to James Hansens give the sprocket a tap
when tightening Bolt.       I sometimes do that with torque on the wrench and I
can feel the wrench move.     The crank gear on some 503 Rotaxes here has NO keyway --
so a TIGHTY fit is important.   And the Hansen technique works every time.

Lets face it Bart  you are getting the ROYAL treatment. EH ?.

I am going to find out if my magic Dogwood wand works at a distance  ---it has a core of
horsefeathers so maybe it will.

  "Valve be right, Valve be tight   and do not bend to be amend"   acra ca dabra and all that

There I waved it your way.

Let us know soon.  ---   I am on the west coast ---so it is a tall order.


PS :   Yes I said use never sneeze on everything ----BUT never there.  On tapers with
keyways I use it.

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