[Vwdiesel] A2 front wheel bearing tips?

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Oct 16 14:34:07 EDT 2004

Basically I agree with Loren ---ok ?

BUT  : I had so much fun doing the things on Rabbits  --that I will never go to
a shop.

I am so good at it now that I can remove a bearing ---inspect --grease and reinstall.

If you have a cement doorway a bottle jack and some blocks of wood ?

You might as well learn now if you are going to be a DIY type ? RIGHT.

So far I have removed the housing from the Car.      BUT IMHO it can be done in place.

So how do you install a bearing ?  a big bolt is all you need.    Remember try to push
on outside race to install.   To fit inside race use the big nut on shaft.
I found it to be a piece of cake ---so why not you ?.

All these little problems are BIG BIG  the first time ---and then ? shit a piece of cake.

Cover everything in never sneeze so that is easy next time ---lets say simpler.

Be careful with hammering   ---use pressing if you can.    Use heat and cold to your advantage.
I heat housing and freeze bearing. Put bearing in Ziplock bag.in freezer.   It will 
plop right in there.   LOL.------   Like I said I had FUN doing the front bearings.
So why not you ?   ---ALL of you ?   The only thing hurting was the 45 dollars for the lousy


PS : Use good bearings  NOT Chinese pig iron shit.    I would pay 100 dollars for a top of
the line bearing.-------yeah believe me.

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