[Vwdiesel] Wheel bearings ---- (Rabbit front)

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Oct 17 11:17:55 EDT 2004

Normal  Volkslore in this place (BC) has it that removing a front bearing automatically
destroys it.
Well that is a MYTH.         I installed a new ( FAG ?)   bearing on a 1980 Rabbit
then moved the plates to a 1982 Rabbit.

One thing you can count on ---if you ever get one of Hagars old Rabbits or
anything else he put together ---lots and lots of "eversleeze" on threads and pressfitted
parts. ---you got the drift ?. (can be taken apart)

1982 Rabbit needs a bearing,--- Now what ?  ---throw a near new bearing out ? When
I want to blastclean the strut from the 1980 ?   Not so snell meiner herren---.
I discovered that the bearing  CAN be removed without damage.

I see some of you have done it for years with a different procedure from mine.

With the bearing in hand ---I disassemble it completely.   It is a plastic cage
for the balls ----so  it was very simple procedure.   The inner races are in two parts
everything can be inspected using a magnifier.   Done right the bearing will be
a normal "Like new" bearing.    Pay lots of attention to the seals and the type of
grease used.

These bearing have PRELOAD designed right in to them ----So clamp the bearing with a big bolt
and check for slop.----- If you can detect any movement at all  ---I suggest that you get a new one.

For 50 Dollars ?    ----to me it was worth it .   Being told that it can not be done `?
really fires up OLD Hagar.

How do I rate this design ?   ----only fair to midlen.    The two rows of balls
should be farther from each other.      Going around a corner there is considerable
leverage on balls.


PS :    Having a Ball .     still.

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