[Vwdiesel] Quantum good...

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Oct 20 05:26:17 EDT 2004

Yesterday I put my 'Q' through it's annual Ministry of
Transport test. Sitting there in the waiting room is like
being inthe dentists... Strange really as it only cost me
£100 some 4 years ago. Car before me was a nice metallic
saloon car about 10 years old. Looked immaculate. My Q is
formerly known as white but was now has a dalmation effect
of brown patches with (Up until yesterday when I actually
washed it ) a green aphid poo roof.
Anyway car in front was pulled off after 5 minutes and I
quipped I hope mine passes that easily...er nope it had
failed on serious rust under drivers feet, and under the
Mine went in and I hid round the corner... I thought I could
hear lots of 'yeps' and a few other mumblings tappings
Head buried in a book "Inchley's Theory of Heat Engines
@1940...I didnt hear the tester calling me over. Then I
heard my name...
Oh shit I thought... "Come and look at this Mr Shepherd"..
What the tester was pointing to was  the antirollbar
clips...one broken and the other loose...AND THAT WAS IT...
about £6 to sort 8OD
As a matter of interest here's some numbers:
Emissions K=1.39
Brakes 160 160
            100 100
            100 140
Happy Chappy Mark

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