[Vwdiesel] I BOUGHT IT!: Old Golf Diesel Atlantic Canada

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Wed Oct 27 19:06:24 EDT 2004

Well, it was too good of a deal to pass up.............$100
1986 Golf 4-door (non turbo) diesel. 5 speed.
400k, rebuilt @ 200k
It never had a battery in it, but I hooked the booster cables up to it from
my Pathfinder
and whirled it over for 1-2 seconds. (I didn't want to risk wrecking
All 4 wheels were seized , but a little tugging back and forth and they all
came free.

It's dark here now and I am busy the rest of the week, but maybe this
weekend I'll get time to toss a battery in it , change some fluids and see
if I can get the beast started.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that it's not too rusty or need too much
work as my budget is
very low !

Mike in NB
----- Original Message -----
From: "H.Hagar" <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] WANT: Old Diesel Atlantic Canada

Sold my 88 Jetta last year for peanuts ($300) and really shudda kept it.
699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
E6L 1T1

Mike and All :    IMHO   the Rabbits and Jettas are well worth putting some
in to now.     Rust repair panels are made in Denmark and the rest ?  ---It
close to becoming a GOOD  investment. ------ Mike  300 dollars Canadian
? ----
you gave it away.

How much to invest in a Rabbit ?   15 000 US dollars would be my answer.
That would get you a top of the line "Creampuff"  ------that will drive
circles around a Prius.
for 22 000 dollars.    A new Golf diesel here is about  30 000 dollars

Love those OLD Rabbits ----yes siree.

I have said it many times --- IMHO   The diesel Rabbits are the finest all
piece of transportation ever made by man.(for a DIY)    A four door Rabbit
will get 4 big people
to the Opera in style.   All you have to do is go around and make sure those
gowns are not dragging in the slush.

I like the looks of the little beauties---  and I have a Royal Brougham Olds
V8 sitting here.
Yeah a diesel too--- well sort of.


PS :   Beetle   GOLD medal  Rabbit Silver.
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