[Vwdiesel] Vaccuum Pump Swap

cass iscass at shaw.ca
Sun Sep 5 18:05:42 EDT 2004

the diaphragm pump and the rotary pump,
each take different oil pumps (which drives them')
i do not know *what* the difference is..(lenght
,gear or slot?)
but it is my understanding that you cant change em
with out changing the pumps.
i could be wrong. :o)


I just attempted to help an acquaintence swap her
diaphragm vaccuum pump for
a rotary style, as the diaphragm pump is not
working.  Couldn't get the rotary
one to seat properly.  Are they a direct swap?  I
measured and the depth of
the slot in the middle of the gear is a fair
amount shallower than on the
diaphragm version.  Was it bottoming out, or was I
just not aligned properly?
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