[Vwdiesel] 120000 mile service on my Jetta/ Needsfor mySciroccoturbodiese...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Sep 8 23:59:00 EDT 2004

> The next time will definitely be third party time.
> Loren said something about aftermarket brakes, and
> how they greatly outlive the stock ones.

  I, uh, who, where, when...huh?  Don't remember that one.  Only thing 
close to that I can think of is that using less than heavy metalic brake 
linings will make the drums or rotors last longer at the expense of 
the shoes/pads.  Just don't want to go to the extreme where brake 
performance suffers to a safety issue.

> I never figured out why the dealer said the rotors
> "can't be turned"....

  Usually the new thickness isn't enough more than the replace 
minimum thickness so that they're worn down close enough that 
they're either already too thin or will be close enough that you 
might sue in a couple hundred miles.  It's mostly about CYA and 
liability.  They can be turned but turning costs enough now that 
with the risk involved, I can see why many shops would choose 
not to.

> Oh, I also have been told that alternators for this
> car run $700 (!) from the stealership....

  Sounds like Porsche alternator prices!

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