[Vwdiesel] 120000 mile service on my Jetta/ NeedsformySciroccoturbodiesel swap

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Sep 9 01:21:02 EDT 2004

I know, it was 600ish bucks, for the manifold, not just the egr.  Can't get
just an egr. frosts my ass, as the egr is a single unit with the intake
manifold, the egr diaphragm is pressed and crimped onto the manifold.
Permanently like.  so the only fix is to install the epsilon device and use
a manifold from a 1.9td, same thing without the soot recirculation ancillary
devices as well.

Local Case IH dealer... or whatever name they are going by this week, their
parts guys priced a new combine in parts, and quit in disgust after they
reached seven figures. Funny, the farmers have known that all along....


-----Original Message-----
From: paulr [mailto:reichp at earthlink.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 7:50 PM
To: James Hansen
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 120000 mile service on my Jetta/
NeedsformySciroccoturbodiesel swap

$600 for an EGR valve?!  Sounds like time
for some minor surgery or an epsilon valve...
I wouldn't be able to put my daily driver
in dry dock, waiting for someone to send a
"nusiance" part across the pond...

FWIW, I paid $400 bucks for a rear brake
(only) job.   Dealer claims the rotors can't
be turned.

A friend of mine said my car was "a $20,000
car with $50,000 worth of parts...."  Now
I understand....




James Hansen wrote:
> Hmm... no that isn't.
> Will have a look at mine in a year or so anyway, as it should definitely
> be let go as far as ours was.  Bits of carbon HAD to be breaking off and
> being injested, so a cracked ring land would not surprise me in the future
> at all.  Moreover, the egr was leaking where it goes through the brass
> bushing into the manifold... replacement was 600 beans and a boat ride
> the fatherland.  Why oh why did the nits that designed that make the egr
> diaphragm integral to the manifold....  I tapped the drain hole and ran a
> line to underside of the car to get the nasty stuff that leaks out away.
> TDI's are very nice, but there are some things that leave a lot to be
> desired...
> Wasn't there some trouble with the epsilonian device as well? was that
> care of?
> -James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of paulr
> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 7:26 PM
> To: VWDiesel List
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 120000 mile service on my Jetta/ Needs
> formySciroccoturbodiesel swap
> That's not good news
> Lee Hillsgrove wrote:
>  >> One question Hayden, since the manifold was relatively clean this
> is
>  >> the egr operating normally or just within normal parameters at a low
> duty
>  >> cycle?
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >   I've heard from more than one source that intakes that were cleaned
> the
>  > same time the Vag-Com EGR adaptation was done have been getting clogged
> up
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>  > just as badly. The thought is that the adaptation just doesn't work.
>  > does work for sure is the original Epsilonian modification.
>  >  -For off-road use only, of course.  :-))
>  >
>  >
>  > Lee
>  > Oo-v-oO
>  > PP-ASEL
>  > KB1GNI
>  >
>  >
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>  > Vwdiesel mailing list
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