[Vwdiesel] Hand lapping

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Sep 20 02:10:39 EDT 2004

In a message dated 9/19/2004 8:37:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Libbybapa at wmconnect.com writes:

> I remember a discussion a while back about hand lapping.  The gist that 
> stuck 
> with me was:  Find/acquire a VERY flat surface.  Put paper on it.  Put valve 
> grinding compound on it.  Lap surface flat.  Could someone go into a bit 
> more 
> explicit detail.  Is there a particular kind of paper to use?  Is there a 
> particular kind of compound to use?  Is there a "better" method for lapping? 
>  Ins 
> and outs please.  Thanks in advance.
> Andrew

  Whacha wanting to lap?  Sounds like you have sort of a mix of two 
methods.  One is to use fine, wet/dry sandpaper and oil on something 
like a piece of glass, surface plate (gritty side up on the sand paper of
course!) or drill press table.  The other is to use the lapping compound 
between two mating surfaces and then rub, rotate or whatever.  IE like 
between a valve and it's seat to grind the high spots down for a tight 
fit.  I've never had a lot of luck with valve lapping.  It always took a lot 
less effort to just have them ground.  :-)

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