[Vwdiesel] Piston fit in block ---- ( when reboring ).

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Mon Sep 27 19:14:23 EDT 2004

My cast pistons normally would require a 0.004" clearance, but, 
because they are being used in a VW IDI diesel, BRC said 0.003" 
would be safe.  Different metallurgies will also require 
different clearances for the same app.


On 27 Sep 2004 at 9:43, H.Hagar wrote: 
> I am going to ask James Hansen what he fits racing engine
> pistons to ? ---my guess would be 10 thou. (or more ?)
> In the bad old day's ---shit we had piston slap when cold.
> Hell I am going to ask VW  and find out.
> Hagar.

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