[Vwdiesel] Clutch talk --- (mostly Old Rabbits).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 1 10:45:54 EST 2005

With Shawn Wright in mind.  -----   Why ? did Hagar get the whole shebang  in the 
replacement kit ?  ----flywheel and all.

Maybe it was due to VW increasing the friction area ---- starting at  CK - 177 .
Old clutch was 190 mm new one is 200 mm. -----cost about  130 dollars canadian. 

I agree with Gary Bangs----due to the difficulty of doing a cluch in a Rabbit ---makes sense to replace
everything in there.   I do not know anything about  Vanagons.   BC can be hard on the clutch.

Personally I never wore out a clutch in anything. --- NEVER.    After 100 000 miles
in Annabelle  I figured that it must be down to the rivets .  -----wrong it was in good shape.
Put it back in.


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