[Vwdiesel] biodiesel projects

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Apr 6 21:44:58 EDT 2005

At 02:00 PM 4/6/05 -0500,  "dub driver" wrote:
>I run biodiesel in my 85 jetta, as well as waste vegetable oil. It 
>drastically reduces harmful emissions, is a renewable energy source, and 
>saves me a lot of money (using the waste oil).

I dumped some used oil in goldie today, about 2 diesel to one WVO. (30/60)
Smells wonderful. Does inhaling raise my cholesterol levels?

Will be able to go 50/50 in a few weeks when it's warmer. Have the 6 port
valve and will try a dual system as soon as I get wife's spring chores done.


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