[Vwdiesel] bolt reuse

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 8 18:43:08 EDT 2005

Nick  and  ALL  :      Remember the ECO is NOT stressed as much as the normal turbo.

I would reuse.---------   but examine each one with a magnifier ---or magnaflux.

About your  ----ZERO ?   oilpressure that is about normal for the mileage. ---use a 0 to 5 psi
gauge ----and you will find it is not zero.

Very important  ----- use long feelergauges and check piston fit in cylinder. Ask Loren for the
spec  ----1 or 2 thou inch. ----they are tighties. Aircooled AME judgement will not suffice.

I drive a pump every day with the same mileage ---works like stink ----test the pump before
sending away.  Simple to do.


PS :  you asked if it was a good idea to pump done ? ---THAT is allways a good idea.

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