[Vwdiesel] Re: 5 cylinder diesel engine

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sun Apr 10 21:47:30 EDT 2005

> I am looking for a 5cylinder diesel engine or car in the US preferably 
> the Pacific NW of USA....

I have a 5 cyl diesel in my 93 VW Eurovan (Canadian)
so I can attest to their existence
AND their performance
(the difference between the Vanagon diesel I used to own (w/ 1.6L 4-cyl 
eng in back)
and the 2.4L 5-cyl
is night and day
the Vanagon would barely go 60 mph if you dropped it off a cliff
the EV does 70 mph all day long at a comfortable 3k rpm
HUGE difference (and the EV is a larger vehicle)
economy: I got between 26 and 30 mpg
31 was my best, I think
have just been rebuilding this engine for the past 3 wks; now up and 
running like a top
and soon to be running on waste vegetable oil - got the tank and the 
lines in, waiting on the switching valve and a couple other things...

so, they exist
unfortunately, there are very few in this country, and you can't have 
if you have $$, Parts Place in Michigan has these NEW for about $4k
other than that, try eBay...

but what's wrong with importing from Canada, Mexico, UK?
I got my van in Toronto and my new used injection pump from England
got to go where they have what you want

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