[Vwdiesel] Nicks supersmoker problem found

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Apr 12 23:17:05 EDT 2005

Refresh my memory Nick... this was a "quality" shop rebuild, correct?
If so, they f'ed the oil ring up on the way in. Only possible way you can
have a chunk missing is if the redfaced assembler stuck it in his pocket
when it blipped out at him either when installing rings or worse when
installing the pistons. Neat how the oil rings have to be all there....

Is there enough ridge at the piston top to catch a nail on, or was this a
rebore?  Brass brush on an electric drill makes the carbon go away soon
enough so you can have a look.  If it was a rebore, measure measure

Low oil pressure.  Assume the intermediate shaft bearings are totally
screwed.  Pull the int shaft and get in there with your bore gauge.  I
assume you have one or access to one small enough being a turbine guy. If
it's out of tolerance or was not done, or there are pieces missing from the
bearings from some chucklehead pounding the int shaft into position, now
would be a good time to change them. Whatever you do, check up on the
previous workmanship, it was far from stellar. If they would mash a piston
in without checking ring gap, they need to be checked up on.

Little valve smiley face kisses on the piston top are nothing.  If you had
to chuck out every volks piston with valve marks on it, the price of
aluminum on the commodity exchange would double. don't sweat it.  You do
want to check that valve however- chuck it in a lathe or blue the seat and
give it a quarter turn to make sure it isn't bent- and check everything up
to the followers for damage while you are in there. If you doubt the valve,
chuck it out. it's cheaper in the long run.\


-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com
[mailto:vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 8:35 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Nicks supersmoker problem found

Well I was able to get the pistons out tonight. I was happy to see that the
oil control ring on #3 piston was broken. It was missing about ¾ of an inch
of the ring. It still had the spring all the way around but not about ¾ of
an inch from the end gap of  the scraper part.  All the rest of the pistons
looked good. The only other thing was #2 piston had the lower compression
ring gap lined up with the oil control ring gap. I was very careful taking
the pistons out. They didn’t come out very easy once they got up to the top
of the cylinder. I guess all the carbon up there made it a tighter fit.  I
guess I will find out how bad the valve indentation is on #2 piston once I
get it cleaned up as to whether or not I can use that one.  I found a place
online that I can purchase just one piston for $95 US dollars.

 I’m glad I found something because it is fixable and not something to
wonder what the cause could have been.  Now to figure out why my oil
pressure is so low. I looked at the oil pump and can’t figure out how I
might be able to free the pressure relief valve if it is stuck open.  There
is a little hole in the end of the indented button cap, at what I think is
the relief valve. Could it be as simple as sticking something in there and
pushing in to see if it is stuck?  I looked through the Bentley and it
didn’t mention anything about the pressure relief valve.  Oh and I did see
that you torque the rod bolts to 44lbfts + a ¼ turn.  Found that
interesting.  It didn’t mention anything about not reusing them or the nuts.
So once the machine shop gets done with my head I will be back in business.
The cylinders look good. #3 has some scuff marks where the oil ring was
missing that section, I couldn’t feel anything with my finger nail. I also
looked all over the place and even was careful draining the oil pan but I
couldn’t find any thing that looked like an oil ring piece. Don’t know where
it went.  Any suggestions as to what I might need to do to this engine as I
go back together please let me know.  Remember, I’m a green horn at this
still. All your help is greatly appreciated.


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