[Vwdiesel] ECO and other questions

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Wed Apr 13 12:50:58 EDT 2005


In replies to my statement that I am buying a '91 Jetta with a 1.6 with a turbo on it some have replied with the acronym ECO to describe this engine. I dunno for what this means.  Can someone please  'splain?

Also, am I correct thinking this engine is also referred to as TDI meaning Turbo Direct Injection, meaning no pre-ignition chambers????  I've heard that Direct Injection is not so good for alternate fuels. Comments?

I've also been reading that direct injection uses higher injector pressures to help atomise the fuel than the pre-chamber/swirl chamber systems.  Is this true of the VW 1.6 turbo (TDI?).

Is there a 1.6 VW turbocharged diesel that employs the normal pre-chambers from the factory or is this just an animal created by backyard mechanics?

Thanx for educating a VW diesel newbie. ;)


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