[Vwdiesel] ECO and other questions

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 13 13:21:34 EDT 2005

Some of the 1.6TD ("TD" meaning "Turbo Diesel" NO "I")
engines were in cars badged ECO (for economy, I
assume) Diesels.  Their main purpose in life was fuel
economy.  Those engines recieved turbos that focused
on economy rather than more power.  These Jettas were
sold in the early '90s.

The TDI engines weren't introduced until several years
later than your car was built--I don't think there
were any TDI (Turbo Direct Injection) engines until
'96 (not 100% sure).

And, actually, I've read that the VW TDI is one of the
few TDI engines what work good with vegoil use.

Your EDO Diesel will be all the more economical with
vegoil use.



--- Area31 Research Facility <stephensrw at stn.net>
> All,
> In replies to my statement that I am buying a '91
> Jetta with a 1.6 with a turbo on it some have
> replied with the acronym ECO to describe this
> engine. I dunno for what this means.  Can someone
> please  'splain?
> Also, am I correct thinking this engine is also
> referred to as TDI meaning Turbo Direct Injection,
> meaning no pre-ignition chambers????  I've heard
> that Direct Injection is not so good for alternate
> fuels. Comments?
> I've also been reading that direct injection uses
> higher injector pressures to help atomise the fuel
> than the pre-chamber/swirl chamber systems.  Is this
> true of the VW 1.6 turbo (TDI?).
> Is there a 1.6 VW turbocharged diesel that employs
> the normal pre-chambers from the factory or is this
> just an animal created by backyard mechanics?
> Thanx for educating a VW diesel newbie. ;)
> Rob
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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