[Vwdiesel] Lifter question
82 Diesel Westy
dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 09:34:16 EDT 2005
Nick, I can only talk from the startup I did on a 1.8
gasser 86 golf. It made quite an ugly sound, so shut
it down right away thinking I did not set timing
correctly. Double checked marks.
Tried again for 30 seconds, same thing, so off.
Made some calls, found out this was normal because
lifters wer not pumped up.
I had to drive it down the road slowly, about a mile,
before they pumped up and got quite. It did take
about 2-4 minutes of running like that. Those
directions sound fine, but I do not think you will
have to do that procedure more then 3 times.
Good luck buddy, hope all goes well.
--- mikitka <mikitka at earthlink.net> wrote:
> It seems that it is common place, at least here in
> this area of the world
> for the machine shops to put that melting plug on
> the head freeze plug. Mine
> has it. Oh well. I got the head back and it is all
> done with new guides,
> valves and lifters. One thing, since the lifters are
> new, how much clatter
> are they going to make before they pump up? The
> directions state to take
> the engine up to 2000 to 3000 rpm's for 4 minutes to
> bleed the air from the
> lifters, it says to do this up to 6 times and if the
> noise continues then
> the lifters are bad. Does this sound about right?
> It will be a while
> before I can run the engine, seems the place that
> has my turbo is back
> logged. So it will not be back any time soon. So the
> head will stay off till
> the turbo comes back so I can put all that on at
> once, unless it isn't all
> that bad to do it separately, since I pulled it all
> off in one piece I
> figure that is the best way to put it back on.
> Nick
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