[Vwdiesel] five cylinder diesel

Chris Collin rangerdanger_svo at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 27 22:30:47 EDT 2005

Ok this time I'll wrap it for real!
I just spotted a five cylinder turbodiesel on that big 
internet auction site.  After much internal debate it 
is not a good project for me right now.  I was thinking 
of a 4000 quattro turbodiesel conversion!  The engine 
was overheated and good accessories like injector 
pump and turbo are not included so it would probably 
turn into a nightmare for a swap project but if someone 
needs an extra block it might not be a bad grab.  The 
usual disclaimers apply, I don't speak for the seller, I'm 
not selling this myself, I dont use copied e-t-k-a, so on 
and so forth.
Chris Collin

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