[Vwdiesel] Rabbit quits smoking ? ----( here is why )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 29 12:53:38 EDT 2005

[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings #38. ( Esso AD - 100 story)
H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org 
Fri Jun 20 09:02:31 EDT 2003 

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AD oil is lube oil for piston aircraft engines. AD stand for Ashless Disper=
sant. it is no longer available.I just happens to have cases and cases stac=
ked in the shed. It came in grades AD-65 , AD-80 , AD-100 , AD-120.  The Ra=
bbit smoked for 5 years but the minute I added the oil to the fuel (intendi=
ng to use it as fuel to get rid of it) the smoking stopped and power increa=
sed and the sound of the engine well it was astounding , has to be heard. I=
t sounded happy.        !982 Rabbit 1.6L NA  fed by a Bosch pump 068 130 10=
7A  --300 000 Km on engine  100 000 on pump.   Mixture 20 litre of corner g=
arage diesel 1.14 litre of AD-100.     Part of fuel experiments  using diff=
erent types of oil including Canola etc.  Mark Shepherd I am thinking it ma=
y have to do with viscosity.Remember the timing advance is affected by visc=
osity and so is injector spray. I am still experimenting. Presently hooking=
 up a pressure gage on pump that can be read while driving.  Remember me pr=
eaching about lubricate those pumps ??? it is a vane pump they really need =
lube ask any big equipment operator.      Hagar.

PS:       Hope pacific is ON  Loren. your inf about two cycle oil improving=
 combustion may have some merit.
PS:   29 apr 2005  .   more to come ---- stay "TUNED".

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