[Vwdiesel] Rabbit quits smoking ? ----( here is why )

Kelly McMullen kellym at aviating.com
Fri Apr 29 13:28:20 EDT 2005

AD oil is very much available, from your local Shell dealer, some Exxon
and Phillips dealers. If you are going to burn the stuff, just get the
cheapest straight weight you can. generally in 80 or 100grade which = 40
or 50wt.
It is also available in straight mineral with no AD additive package, used
for aircraft engine breakin. Aeroshell is what it is called. I would avoid
the multigrade because both Aeroshell and Exxon use synthetic blend and it
costs about $4 a qt.
H .  Hagar. said:
> AD oil is lube oil for piston aircraft engines. AD stand for Ashless
> Dispersant. it is no longer available.I

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