[Vwdiesel] Dying Glow Plug Relays???
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Aug 6 14:39:55 EDT 2005
>From the curmudgeonly old fart:
Man, the more I hear about TDI's, and the long reputation of VW electrics,
the more I love my old A2's.
Everything important is mechanical, which Germans do best.
If I lived in Nepal, I wouldn't even need a battery, just park it at the top
of the mountain before I shut it off.
Hagar could probably gravity-start his bunny going down his driveway.
When I was a kid, my '29 Durant's battery was just enough to supply
ignition, it was either crank it, or park on a hill.
Anybody want a picture of a 29 Durant?
Too bad I can't crank the volks.
(must investigate a compression release like the Listers)
Hagar sez : Sandy ----My MGA 57 had a crank ----and I was at Hal Mordys place for a
BEER or two ? ----yes it was so COLD that the handle broke like it was made of
glass----that is when I Hagar wound up sleeping on the sofa.----and yes I did start a
Rabbit going down the driveway here.
Sorry to hear that Hal Mordy died so young ---he sure was one SMOOTH flyboy.
Landrovers ----had a crank ---as had a FORD model T ----and lots of Bikes had
kick-starters. ---done away with ? WHY ? "STUPID" fits here. I have two Yamaha 650 cc
Twins----and one still has the compression release. ----Much like the LISTER. ----by the
way my Lister say do not use the release to stop engine. -----James Hansen told me why.
What ? is this about ? ---well hells bells if it does NOT start where are you going
-----yes the Phone Booth.----or if you are lucky like Hagar ? the Sofa----or better ? EH
? ---JA.----right in the bedroom with that GEORGE'S blackhead.---- NOT only good in the
bedroom --that woman was some SMART.
------ Now for relays ? do like Sandy Cameron suggested ---use an eraser on pins and
then as Hagar suggested --put on LOTS of VASELINE.----and by the way on all Nicads for
cameras and the like do the same thing. ---SS contacts does oxidize ----even if they look
PS : No glow ? NO GO ----too much glow ? --NO plugs. ----so get it right.
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