[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 191 ---( Hagars Lingo clean-up ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Aug 23 00:30:19 EDT 2005

Chuck Carnohan in spud-land  ---I just love those Idaho  spuds.
You are my literary guardian ---? Jah ?    ----I had a request to tone down my Texas
lingo---please advise.

I apologize to any member that I offended  ---but my lingo is my personality so ?  well I
shall try.

An OLD Dane who speaks the way the Lord gave him the ability.  I love this forum  and I
will do a lot NOT to offend anyone ---but my basic moral fiber will be intact. ---No
matter what.

Today  22 Aug 2005 was a glorious day in the life of Hagar ---I was in company of many
nice people ---a lot of Pizza  and a drive in a big MAC truck-----delivering a load of
gravel.---To Hummingbird Cove BC.--BC sure is a nice place. ---------so is Washington

OK OK and all the other places.

I have NEVER lived or worked in a place I did not like-----BUT    BC ?    ---WOW.

Bunny Bondo performed to perfection ----But I had to have Peter  from Norway sit in the
back seat ---he insisted  I give him a ride ----down the hill---OK no problemo.?

The two "unusual sisters"  were at their charming best ----what a pair.-----wow.

Like I said before I am in Love with the single one. --- an OLD fool.

The Smileage go on and on. ----- now we have a dollar per litre diesel here  ---how far
will it go.?

My worry is for the Ladies sitting in the snow belt --with a fuel  tank to fill next
winter  --on a fixed SMALL pension --?  how the dickens can they make it without help ?
tell me.

I was always a kind of a goof-ball ----the DO it kid on the block.  --and I
     ----absolutely amazing what you can do --simply by jumping in.


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