[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 191 ---( Hagars Lingo clean-up ).

slatersfb@aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Wed Aug 24 12:53:27 EDT 2005

Hagar - So far I've not read any evil from you. You can speak any Damn way you please.  And if there are some who take offense, they can stick their head in the sand of some other forum. That's my voice, any ways.
Bob in the Entire State
-----Original Message-----
From: H . Hagar. <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 21:28:46 -0700
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 191 ---( Hagars Lingo clean-up ).

Chuck Carnohan in spud-land  ---I just love those Idaho  spuds.
You are my literary guardian ---? Jah ?    ----I had a request to tone down my 
lingo---please advise.

I apologize to any member that I offended  ---but my lingo is my personality so 
?  well I
shall try.

An OLD Dane who speaks the way the Lord gave him the ability.  I love this forum  
and I
will do a lot NOT to offend anyone ---but my basic moral fiber will be intact. 
matter what.

Today  22 Aug 2005 was a glorious day in the life of Hagar ---I was in company 
of many
nice people ---a lot of Pizza  and a drive in a big MAC truck-----delivering a 
load of
gravel.---To Hummingbird Cove BC.--BC sure is a nice place. ---------so is 

OK OK and all the other places.

I have NEVER lived or worked in a place I did not like-----BUT    BC ?    

Bunny Bondo performed to perfection ----But I had to have Peter  from Norway sit 
in the
back seat ---he insisted  I give him a ride ----down the hill---OK no problemo.?

The two "unusual sisters"  were at their charming best ----what a pair.-----wow.

Like I said before I am in Love with the single one. --- an OLD fool.

The Smileage go on and on. ----- now we have a dollar per litre diesel here  
---how far
will it go.?

My worry is for the Ladies sitting in the snow belt --with a fuel  tank to fill 
winter  --on a fixed SMALL pension --?  how the dickens can they make it without 
help ?
tell me.

I was always a kind of a goof-ball ----the DO it kid on the block.  --and I
     ----absolutely amazing what you can do --simply by jumping in.


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