[Vwdiesel] Socket head fasteners. for beginners ---( Bristol anyone ? --I like them ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Aug 29 11:49:28 EDT 2005

> Bristol key's

I haven't heard that term.  Tri-square? Spline wrench?  12 pt allen?  They
are the ones that fit the driveshaft to drive flange bolts.  When I got the
drive flange size it came in a set of five sizes.  One also fits the head bolts.
I have used them many times for removing rounded out allens.


Hagar sez ---:     Bristol sockets and wrenches look like a perfect spline-------the
wrenches come in a set --just like Allen wrenches.   I do not know where they come
from --BUT I know that a lot of Military stuff uses them. ----Since I am into surplus
things ?  I had to go get a set.


PS :    If you do your own Rabbit driveshafts ?----get the proper VW bit. --mine is a Snap
Off type.
(Snap-On) very expensive here.

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