[Vwdiesel] WVO shelf life

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Aug 29 11:56:42 EDT 2005

Which is whay I don't brag any more, and have NO signs on the back of my car

  That's the reason I don't ever intend to put any turbo badging on my 
Dad's pu or anything else that gets one.  Don't need to give the cops a 
to THINK it's a fast car.  Got pulled over once in my 1.5 RABBIT for "looking 

like I was accelerating AWFULLY fast."  I had  a 30mph tail wind so I 
actually made it to 60mph in under 15 seconds!  Sheesh.  
  Plan to keep the stereo stuff under cover too so as not to advertise 
to steal.

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