[Vwdiesel] how to prime turbo injection pump?

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Dec 3 00:02:44 EST 2005

Rudy wrote:

>What I do is, disconnect return line at the pump and connect a clear line
>and suck on the tube till I see fuel in the clear line.  Works good.  Diesel
>Oil tastes bad so watch for fuel in the line.

Uh, priming bulbs like they use for boat outboards are really cheap and 
useful for things like that, fuel filter changes, etc.  I quit sucking 
on random tubes after an unfortunate incident at work--in the sewer 
plant.  And you thought Diesel tasted bad.  As a nifty feature, two 
tablespoons of gasoline in the lungs=death.  Don't have the specs for 
Diesel, but it can't be that much friendlier.  Even Biodiesel, while not 
as toxic, would still coat your lungs. 


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