[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Sat Dec 10 17:02:18 EST 2005

> You can cut down a tree with a pocketknife, but WHY when an axe or a
> powersaw are available.

	Most accomplished musicians I know tune by ear.  Not 
	by frequency meter.

	24 years ago I was involved in a study of radiologists,
	where we looked at signal to noise issues.  About the same
	time digital audio was evolving.  Audiophiles were 
	claiming that signal was "lost" in digital, which they
	could otherwise hear.  

	What we found was that the radiologists could, as a group,
	identify features below the noise level in radiographs.
	Since then, I have learned that there are more situations 
	where we don't completely understand the capabilities of
	our senses.

	Hillbilly tuning relies on those senses.  BTW, somewhere
	around 79 or 80, there was a VW mechanic in the area who
	presumably tuned VWs the same way.  I never managed to 
	talk with him, but I don't doubt it.

	This is all a matter of what tools do you use, and what's
	your comfort factor in doing so.  Kind of like allopathic 
	medicine and osteopathic, perhaps.


> So put your socks back on, and realize that the Hillbilly way is just the
> hard way, and quite frankly, for a beginner, a good way to potentially screw
> stuff up.

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