[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your butts. )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Sun Dec 11 18:06:26 EST 2005

So put your socks back on, and realize that the Hillbilly way is just the
hard way, and quite frankly, for a beginner, a good way to potentially screw
stuff up.


OK James Hansen my socks are back on-----DO you know the meaning of performance  ?   of
course you do ----TUNING is the hard way ?  ---ask Gary Bangs how hard it was ?   --- a
beginner has no problems if he follows instructions. ---and a beginner has not got a hope
in hell with an OLD Rabbit going by simple Bentley TIMING.

Hillbilly TUNING   was a  very sophisticated way of getting Rabbits going IF   Bentley
TIMING did not work.----and let me tell you all ----a worn OLD Rabbit diesel will NOT work
timed by Bentley  instructions.   BUT may work  if TUNED by Hillbilly  procedures ?  ---
put your money on the table ? OK ? -----

Shit you can put your DIAL and what not anywhere---BUT if the timing does NOT advance as
you feed her fuel ? ----you are wasting your time.   ----So there you go James ----your
dial indicator will test TIMING  (Injection point)   ?   How let us know.

I did this for a lot of years---- and to debate it ? ---no problemo.-----I am not

TUNING    is valid ---- there you go. -----and the most important part is the Injection
advance according to RPM.----if you do not get that part ?  ---Have a nice day.

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