[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your butts. )

slatersfb at aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Mon Dec 12 12:46:36 EST 2005

Long before I ever heard of this forum, I was tuning my cars, diesel included, by ear and by feel. I guess all modern engines are manufactured to very close tolerances and are very similar to one another to begin with. But not all engines are treated the same over the course of their lives. Differences develop due to lack of maintenance or lack of precision when being worked on by inept mechanics. Different lubricants may cause some parts to wear faster on different engines. A 20 year old Rabbit is nowhere near the same as one just rolling off the assembly line. Set it up by the book, and it will probably run, but it will run a lot better if you take the time to adjust each aspect to personal standards attained over a lifetime. Granted, this takes more time. It is quicker to plug in a dial indicator to set pump timing, set camshaft slot flat as in the book. Quicker, sure, but better, I don't think so. 
Maybe taking so much time for tuning is not an option for everyone, so timing by Bentley does the trick. Is this way the best? My own experience says no.
Bob in the Entire State 
-----Original Message-----
From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 18:50:51 -0600
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your butts. )

 ---and a beginner has not got a hope
in hell with an OLD Rabbit going by simple Bentley TIMING.

That would not be the most accurate thing you have ever said.
With the exception of the members of this forum that have been exposed to
this nonsense, everyone else tunes their cars using a dial indicator and the
They run and drive to the level of maintenance they have been subjected to.
I get to see quite a few of them.

Contrast that to setting timing your way.
Oh, sorry, I just don't have a two weeks to set the timing on my car.  I
have 6 passenger vehicles in the fleet, four more farm trucks, eight
tractors and combines.  all diesel.
They get tuned by the book.  Haven't blown up anything yet, and funny how
they all work, and quite well if I say so myself.
Because to a diesel, timing IS tuning.  These engines are made as exactly
similar as is possible. THAT's why you can use a measurement.  This is no
carb, or fuel injection, the manufacturing tolerances on a diesel are
astoundingly accurate. Including the injection pumps, and quite frankly, if
they don't work, or are worn out, the best line of thought is to replace or
repair it, as they do have and werre manufactured with a finite duty cycvle
in mind.

Hillbilly TUNING   was a  very sophisticated way of getting Rabbits going IF
TIMING did not work.----and let me tell you all ----a worn OLD Rabbit diesel
will NOT work
timed by Bentley  instructions.   BUT may work  if TUNED by Hillbilly
procedures ?  ---
put your money on the table ? OK ? -----

Shit you can put your DIAL and what not anywhere---BUT if the timing does
NOT advance as
you feed her fuel ? ----you are wasting your time.   ----So there you go
James ----your
dial indicator will test TIMING  (Injection point)   ?   How let us know.

so setting the static timing differently will make a pump with a
non-functioning advance cam suddenly work again? bullshit.
If it's broken it needs fixing.

I did this for a lot of years---- and to debate it ? ---no problemo.-----I
am not

No not stubborn at all.
 I though you were a VW diesel newbie as of two years ago. which one is it
now, the wizened diesel expert that has many years experience, or a two year
old diesel newbie?
Stop insisting you are right. that contributes nothing to the discussion,
and that is asserting, not debating.
What is your static pump timing?  I maintain you are at or near 1.00mm
 Until you can provide a number to discuss, I consider this a waste of my
time, and as far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed.


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