[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your butts.
Svend M Kjong
svend at prcn.org
Mon Dec 12 15:00:18 EST 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Svend M Kjong" <svend at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your butts. )
> No not stubborn at all.
> I though you were a VW diesel newbie as of two years ago. which one is it
> now, the wizened diesel expert that has many years experience, or a two year
> old diesel newbie?
> Stop insisting you are right. that contributes nothing to the discussion,
> and that is asserting, not debating.
> What is your static pump timing? I maintain you are at or near 1.00mm
> Until you can provide a number to discuss, I consider this a waste of my
> time, and as far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed.
> Cheers.
> -James
> James Hansen and all ;: ----I like James and I repeat James ---James shake hands. I
> your friend and I hope you are mine.
> When I say that I sat on a German diesel before you was born ? ---that in itself means
> squat---zilts nothing.
> That is like saying that I sat a Chessboard before Bobby Fisher. was born ? proving
> what ?.
> Nothing .
> What would Jesus tell James and Svend ? --- --shake hands and be friends ?. ---so there
> you go James ---my hand is stretched out
> for the Danes and someone who can translate :
> Brister bandet som jer binder
> rak kun handen til forlig.
> Husk at den som villigt giver .
> Ved sin gave bliver rig.
> Svend.
> PS : by the way I am still friendly with LOREN.----he will be back --read my lips.
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