[Vwdiesel] 1.6TD compression numbers

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Mon Dec 12 15:00:18 EST 2005

My folks visited the Wolfsburg factory in '74.  My father was shocked to see
that there was a fellow whose job was to take the brand spankin new beetles as
they popped off the assembly line.  He hopped in them and roared around the
yard a few times and then parked them in the vast parking lot of new cars.  My
father said that the guy really put it to the new motors and was a little
concerned about that.  I guess those silly Germans really knew what they were


IMHO they did.    ---If you guys  knew as much as I do about the KRAUTS -=?---WOW   some
of you would   would know twice as much as you do now. (or more)   ---

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