[Vwdiesel] Re: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 16, Issue 33

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Sun Feb 13 03:45:26 EST 2005

Replaced the right axle on my 95 Neon this summer.  Busted the axle 
shaft at the c.v. No noise, no warning, no go.  Thought the tranny had 
quit.  So went and found another tranny.  While doing the r&r fournd the 
broken axle.  Oh well the tranny needed replaced anyways as it was no 
longer staying in 5th.

> He thought the driver's side was OK, so I grabbed the passenger
>>side axle, and there was no physical connection between the axle and the
>>wheel.  The outer joint was completely broken.  The really weird part
>>was that the boot was completely intact.

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