[Vwdiesel] Oil leak from front of head gasket

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Sun Feb 13 10:48:29 EST 2005

On 13 Feb 2005 at 3:22, LBaird119 at aol.com <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

>   With 11mm bolts and Raceware you can retorque all you want.  I try and 
> check them at valve adjustments.  Kinda hard to do with stretch bolts.
>   Most oil leaks that look like the head or pan gasket can be attributed 
> to the oil pressure sender or the valve cover gasket.  Occasionally it's 
> from the head gasket but then it's usually on the pump side near #3 
> cylinder.

Sorry, I guess my description wasn't very good - that's exactly where the leak is. On 
a 50 degree install, it leaves a nice little pool of oil. I was wondering about stretch 
bolts - Has anyone extrapolated (guessed) the amount of torque the final turn results 
Shawn Wright
I.T. Manager
Shawnigan Lake School

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