[Vwdiesel] Ring Break-In and Oil Consumption

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Feb 28 12:59:41 EST 2005

Gavrik Peterson  relax  NOTHING drastic is going to happen.

I am not and Never was a mechanic  ---- BUT the number of coffee breaks and beers after work
with THE MECHANICS ?  ----did something rub off ? .

I found that the flyboys got the ringseating ---pinned right down.

Loren mentioned long time ago that to get a gasser shop to fit a VW diesel piston
with small gap was difficult  ----to get a flyboy mechanic to fit it is impossible.

Aircooled  Aircraft  fitting would be considered limit of wear for a VW diesel mechanic in Germany.

I just had an old friend die  ----  who designed a diesel  many years ago  so let me get over the
grief and I shall explain what I found out about ringseating.      He was a nabor and became
a good friend   early 1960  es. 1962 ? .

Summary ?    make the crosshatch DEAP   ring gap SMALL  and pistons TIGHT in bores.

And stagger ring gaps.    ---I am a flyboy type and lots of the ringjobs I did was aircooled
AC engines. -----so I have a problem getting those pistons tight .   BUT remember they are
spcial pistons. ----not gasser pistons. ---------   wait to we get chromed cylinders then the fun starts.

I have seen Gavriks engine and it is a beauty  ----all painted and CLEAN.   And it sounds good
with NO SMOKE here.  Pump a tad too advanced.    If you Gavrik drove that Rabbit from day
one like you did here  ??? ----fuddy duddy driving is NOT the problem.
Let me tell you all he drives a lot more agressive than I do.

More on this  ------when I recover.


PS :      May 1945   I got my sticky little finger on my first REAL diesel    Jumo 205   I
think it was.------    is that not 60 years ?  --- right now that plane and engines are in
a museum ---in Denmark. 3 engine flying boat. "Anders And"    Donald Duck..(in english).

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