[Vwdiesel] Engine Lineage
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jan 1 16:35:32 EST 2005
Engine Lineage : velly interesting .
If only I could write like Scott Kair ? ----I have the information right here
in front of me.
VW did NOT have a diesel division like say GM had when these Car diesels were dreamed up.
My info say that the 1.5 L engine was designed at a time when VW had no intention of making a Diesel.
I agree with Loren the Head and Bolt design would have been
different. Probably a Iron head and WAY WAY bigger bolts. The Rocket has
1/2 inch bolts and they snapped like pretsels. Then you have to go get bolts at about
13 dollars each _ for a V8 --? New version----better steel ----and on and on.
Some of you may think that the 1.5 L VW diesel has Pre Chambers like the GM 5.7 ?
NOT so according to my info ----VW uses a SWIRL chamber.
Further I have a lot of BIG wick names ----if you want to know about VW ?
just contact Peter Hofbauer at VW.
As to industrial versus Car engines from VW ? tricky tricky . If you ever see a
VW diesel industrial for sale on Ebay ? grab it or let me.
Rotax 503 comes in two versions Aircraft and Snowmobile. do not fly
a Snowmobile. ----they are different.
I like to joke ---so I hope the engineer from GM does not read -----I call him
Dork -Heimer. He was a gasser guy with the Rocket.
One of you figgered that I said the Rabbit diesel was the BEST diesel
in the world ? ----I would NEVER say that. ------- BEST all around.
The price and availability is in there.
I got 1.5L NA Rabbit engines for 150 dollars each Canadian. And I mean
in good shape..
So why did VW not design a diesel from scratch? Cost pure and
simple ----A totally new a production line ? Not possible in 19 75.
In a way it is good for us -? lots of parts are the same as the gasser.
The best endorsement for the VW diesel ? ----the fact that VOLVO is using it
that company has a super duper Diesel division----Think Penta.
I did see the Chinaman advertise that he was using VW bearings. ---
that is a smart move IMHO. ALL the VW bearings I have looked at so far
not one was not going right back in. So if Val is importing Gensets ---he has
good quality bearings all over the place. Makes sense to me.
May you guys be up to your asses in diesels in 2005. Only bright spot
here this holiday was the Computer and the Rabbits ---and the two kittens.
Scampy the little red and white male just disconnected the Phone
answering machine by chewing the power cord in half a brand new
machine. One more DIY fix.
I had freinds in Thailand (Danes) during the disaster ----and now I do not know if they phoned.
We have Tsunamis here at times. ---- very hard on Beetles and Rabbits.
So far the only thing was the shake ---here. That did any damage ,.
Wish you all a Rabbitdousious 2005. You have all been great so far.
PS : If you come across a book called Modern Diesel Cars by a
Jan P Norbye . grab it --- super book for beginners.
And by the way VW intends to become the biggest diesel car maker on the plant.
If they not are they sure are close.
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