[Vwdiesel] Engine Lineage

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jan 2 10:05:18 EST 2005

OK----- Challenge to the pump gang ! !

Sandy Cameron as you can see   Lee Hillsgrove   is part of the gang .

I am still compiling a list  --------    and we are in good shape.

Now LEE that was a good write of yours ----- please post it again under
Injection pump.

Here are some members     Doyt Echelberger -   Gary Bangs , Gavrik Peterson ,William A Thompson. 
If I missed you ?      step forward --we will tame these little beauties.
As a group.-------- I am still hoping an old retired BOSCH   person joins us.


PS : A variable speed   governor on a Car will not work. Except as a cruise control.
You got that right from the horses ass.

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