[Vwdiesel] Metric crusade of Hagars. ---( metric and decimal will WIN )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jan 3 12:34:59 EST 2005

Recently, some paint manufacturers have begun pawning of "gallons" of paint 
that total 124 fluid ounces, says so on the label.  They are in the usual 
gallon containers.  I imagine it would be more difficult to get away with that kind 
of stunt using the metric system.

Andrew  and  All  :   Not possible if the population was metric from birth.

Would you expect FRAUD from   Duracell  battery company ?     Well
hang on to your voltmeter or your wallet.

Duracell is selling "C"  cells wrapped in paper to look like like "D" cells   and 
selling them as such.    NiCads.   "Dynacharge".

When I took them on ---the explanation ? -- everybody does it.   .

That will not do to get Hagar off your ass. , Mr.Duracell.
The Enrons and Sears and Duracells did not see the NET coming.


PS:   Next time I shall tell about someone who did exaxtly the
opposite.  ----and prospered.    Sell someone a pound of  Tea   and give them
more ?     a pound and a quarter ?-----     Sell a gallon of diesel  and someone
finds out it is bigger ? and the word gets around ?-----It works.

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