[Vwdiesel] Miser's Monitor; the Basics
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jan 6 14:11:31 EST 2005
I like my system because its simple AND it tells the user
which plug is open circuit. So what?
Well I know when a plug is duff but I'd like to know which
one so I know how much time to allocate after the journey
just commenced .
Order of depression level being #4 #3 #1 and ahhhhhh #2.
Also I'm sure it'll impress the friends...
The Miser
Hagar sez :Your diagram is on my other dardrive -- pleas send it again to me PM.
So that I can comment.
Yeasterday I mesured with an El -cheapo digital meter It works
and like I said I do not tell you to do if I did NOT.
There is lots of voltage drops to work with. Do I design absolutely practical simple ways of doing
it because I do not know better ---hell NO I do it having everything right here
I have programmeable controllers that will monitor and regulate each Plug induvidually.
I am the Hillbilly with every sort of measuring device at my fingertips. Ballistic
galvanometers Dual beam Oscilloscopes Magnatometers Metal detectors Ductors.
High voltage testers (HY-POTS) Infra red Cameras ---Radiation testers -
Neuclear resonance testers. --Geiger Mueller tubes ...Dosimeters ---servo recorders
When I compare the simplest to the most complicated ?
Amazing that a piece of aluminium foil wil detect atomic Radiation. So will a simple
strip of Kodak black end white film.
My pride and joy ? how to detect Caustic ? a yellow envelope. I invented
that procedure. Saved my butt in a place where a caustic line leaked
and drained strong castic on my back. I walked under the leak not knowing if it
was not hot water.
So Mark Shepherd let us know how many wires have to be connected.
Hagars ? two wires and it works. A fuse is a resistor On a Rabbit fuse
the voltage drop is considerable. ---Use it as a meter shunt. The way fuses work
is heat they melt. The fuseblock is in a perfect location. Right on the firewall.
Weldcro digital meter on dash.
The super thing about those cheap digital meters ? 10 megaohms input
impedance ----in other words they will not be damaged if you have it on the wrong voltage setting.
set it to 200 millivolt and put probes on 12 volt ? ---no problem just move selector
switch --------
The feed wire is a bit smaller than # 10 so 1 ohm per 1000 feet gives us little
drop to work with ----use bushbar and fuse.
To be really happy ? use a starter relay and push and indicator like
I explained in the past. Simple totally reliable and easy to use.
Simple to install.
Do not take my word ----look up Melroe Bobcat 743 and there it is.
Total control by operator not som stupid STUPID sensor and timing curcuit.
I installed the whole shebang before you guys coyld find the right diodes.
VW 1980 Rabbit glow plug relay ? GARBAGE I have one right here in my hand
321 911 261 12 Volt DFG made in Germany ----IMHO shit
it is an Electrical abomination. Get a small US FORD ? starter
relay four terminal and mount it on driverside fenderwell with two 1/ 4 inch bolts.
Wire with # 10 Belden motorlead and stakeons.
No need to remove old system it will work in parrallel.
Proven and working for years --- you may quote me.
Anything better ? ----not that I know of.
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